Indus Institute of
Information & Communication
Technology (IIICT)

Its curriculum enforces managerial skill development along with innovative Information Technology, leading to technical entrepreneurship.

All forms of technology used to manage intelligent building management systems, telecommunications, broadcast media, network-based control and monitoring, audiovisual processing and transmission systems, and tasks are collectively referred to as information and communications technology (ICT). ICT is frequently used as a more extended synonym for information technology (IT), but its application is far broader.

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What is the scope of ICT in India?

The Engineering Branch of Information and Communication Technology was recently established with the goal of offering a broader view of the nature of technology, its use, and its applications to the living world. Engineering is more than just trying things out and picking items up. It is all about how it affects society. As the most developed creature on Earth, humans have employed the field of engineering known as information and communication technology throughout their existence. Additionally, emerging nations use information and communication to enhance their quality of life and obtain a competitive edge. As the years went by, our natural tendency to believe led us to divide engineering into many branches. Without communication, there would be no requirement for information, and vice versa: without communication, what point is there in possessing even a tiny amount of data? The synchronisation between the two is where the proper development occurs. Transmission and reception may be successful if a communication engineer is unaware of the information. Without innovative new plans being developed by creative minds, the globe will never be the same.

The Indus Institute of Information and Communication Technology (IIICT) offers classes in information technology and computer applications. These place a strong emphasis on the general understanding of IT, providing a comprehensive and tangible framework for the fundamental comprehension of all its aspects. Its curriculum forces the development of creative information technology and managerial skills, fostering technical entrepreneurship. The IIICT students are capable of showcasing their abilities and making contributions to the creation of a technologically informed society.

We at the Indus Institute of Information and Communication Technology (IIICT) steadily concentrate on evolving job trends with the singular goal of giving young IT aspirants a world-class education through knowledgeable faculty members while also giving them individual attention and support.

Training is provided around the clock, five days a week. The emphasis is on projects and assignments, and students gain experience via their work. Applications of the knowledge learned in the lecture halls are made in tasks for the workplace. The teachers go beyond boundaries to ensure that the students are razor-sharp so they can stand out in the business world. No effort has been spent in creating a setting that inspires pupils to challenge their intellectual limits.

Department of Computer Science

With a goal of serving society by applying IT in nearly all sectors, the Department of Computer Science is committed to providing its students with a very positive and intellectually stimulating learning environment. The Department features qualified instructors who take a holistic approach to student development. By creating and developing software and guiding the future of students interested in information and communications technology, the Department significantly contributes to making the university a technologically advanced platform.

One of the Department's appealing qualities, which inspires the students to spread their wings, soar higher than their goals, and serve the country, is the mentoring and collaboration of experienced and knowledgeable faculty members. Modern conference rooms, smart classrooms, and well-equipped computer labs are all part of the Department's cutting-edge infrastructure.

The students who graduate from this Indus Institute of Information and Communication Technology are placed in the top IT sectors even before the end of their final semesters as a result of their rigorous training and exposure to the cutting-edge professional programmes offered. A large number of businesses hire graduating students through campus placement each year. Students receive access to intense training for four to six months during their final semester at top IT firms and other reputable institutions.

Academic programmes are continuously updated to reflect the most recent developments in science and technology. Undergraduates research the theoretical, theoretical, and practical applications of computing in science, engineering, business, and other fields. The graduate programme offers instruction in both theoretical and applied computer science and provides research opportunities in cutting-edge facilities and labs.

Infrastructure of Computer Science Department

The Computer Science Department, which has the highest criteria for infrastructure, offers four courses. It has classrooms that support teaching with contemporary resources & methods. Every effort has been made on this campus to guarantee that the main building complies with high criteria for construction quality. Every little element has been carefully considered, planned, and carried out in this learning centre. The Department has classrooms, Wi-Fi, and multimedia projectors. A university library is an empowering facility with books for many computing department disciplines and cutting-edge student projects & assignments. To satisfy the demand for security, the Department has taken appropriate action. The campus is outfitted with CCTV to meet the safety and security needs of a well-equipped campus that attracts many visitors.

Department Activities

Certificate Course on Introduction to Programming Using MATLAB

The Department of Computer Science at the Indus Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Indus University successfully organized an FDP from June 10th to 14th, 2024. This Faculty Development Program aimed to enhance the academic and research skills of faculty members, research scholars, and students from various institutions. It focused on two key tools: LaTeX, a high-quality typesetting system for scientific and technical documents, and SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), a comprehensive tool for statistical analysis. The FDP aimed to equip educators with essential skills to effectively utilize these tools in their teaching and research endeavors. A total of 123 participants, including faculty members, research scholars, and students from universities across India, actively took part in the program.

Faculty Development Programme on LaTeX and SPSS

The Department of Computer Science at Indus Institute of Information and Communication Technology organized a certificate course titled "Introduction to Programming using MATLAB" from June 3rd to 7th, 2024. The course was attended by 18 participants, who were introduced to the fundamentals of the MATLAB environment and guided through its basic features.

Deeksharambh - Induction and Student Empowerment Program 2024

The Department of Computer Science at Indus Institute of Information and Communication Technology recently held the "Deeksharambh 2024" orientation on June 29, 2024, for the incoming students of BCA, BSc. (CA & IT), BSc. CS (Specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning), BSc. Data Science, and BSc. Cyber Security for the batch 2024-2027. Dignitaries on stage warmly welcomed and interacted with the new students and their parents, displaying great enthusiasm. Special guest speakers HG Dev Pujya Nimai Das and HG Dharmasetu Gaur Prabhu from ISKON Temple, Ahmedabad, delivered an inspiring session on “Pillars of Leadership,” encouraging and motivating students as they embark on their educational journey. Additionally, Ms. Gladis Nair, Sr. Manager of L&D at iCreate, spoke on the importance of leadership and dedicated study. The orientation included sessions on iSAC, ICSII, department introductions, and alumni interactions featuring Ms. Biyanka Shah (Batch 2016-19, QA Engineer at Oracle) and Mr. Stavan Shah (Batch 2015-17, Project Manager at Dash Technologies). There were also sessions on T&P, ERP, the examination scheme and a campus visit.